2024 Brooklyn Bazaar Street Festival

    Vendor Registration Form: Date:

    Event Description:

    Contact Information

    Name: (Corporate or Personal)


    City: State: Zip Code:

    Phone: E-mail:

    Type of Vendor Product:

    Festival Information

    Fee: $200

    Brooklyn Bazaar Festival

    Lexington Avenue between Classon & Grand Avenues, Brooklyn, NY, 11238

    Contact: Juliet – (917) 455-9243


    Return form via email to Juliet@thebrooklynbazaar.com and go to https://thebrooklynbazaar.com to pay via the donation button.

    PayPal: The Brooklyn Bazaar Festival

    Venmo: @thebrooklynbazaar

    Obtain and submit proof of payment. Fee must be paid prior to vendor set up.

    Set up Time: 1:00 PM

    Shut Down Time: 09:30 PM

    Note: Areas to set up are assigned based on registration. Providing space only.

    There is no rain date.